We collect a range of fees from companies and other entities under Commonwealth laws.
This includes company registration fees and annual review fees. The law states when a fee must be paid and how much should be charged.
ASIC fees are not subject to GST.
We also charge fees for some of our search products. See Search fees for more information.
Fees apply when you lodge some forms and documents. You can see the lodgement period and lodgement fee (if any) for a specific form by searching Forms.
For some forms, you must pay the fee before we can accept it as lodged.
Fees for commonly lodged documents provides a summary of the fees we charge for our most frequently lodged documents.
If you lodge a document late or don't pay the lodgement fee, a late fee may apply:
See Late fees for more information.
Every company and managed investment scheme has an annual review date, usually the same date it was registered. Shortly after this date, we issue an annual statement and an invoice. You need to pay the annual review fee to keep your entity registered.
You can check the review date for a company or scheme from our Organisation and Business Names search. You will need to provide an Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Registered Scheme Number (ARSN).
If you don't pay the annual review fee in time, you may need to pay additional fees. See Annual statements for more information.
The Government’s industry funding arrangements allow us to recover most of our regulatory costs from the industries we regulate.
These costs are recovered through levies invoiced once in the calendar year.
For detailed information about industry funding invoices, including how to pay, when to pay and how levies are calculated, see Industry funding invoices.